Wood Decking
There are a quite the handful of options when designing your new deck. If it’s a covered space, douglas-fir is a strong wood that takes stain well and is durable when not exposed to extensive moisture. It is also the most economical, budget friendly and locally sourced wood.
For exposed decking, a weather and bug resistant decking is necessary for longevity. There are three main options in our area. One option is redwood. We have a quality, family-owned redwood distributor, Redwood Northwest, here in Eugene OR on W 11th.
Another option is Cedar. There are two types of cedar commonly available in Oregon, with the primary being Western Red Cedar, a beautiful and naturally resistant wood commonly used for decks and fencing in the northwest. The other variety is Alaskan Yellow Cedar. For large orders of the red cedar, there is a family-owned cedar distributor located right up the road in Harrisburg OR, Island Cedar Inc.
If it’s an exposed space and you’re on a tight budget, treated douglas-fir is another option.
If you’re looking for something unique, there are some exotic hardwood options, such as Ipe, Tigerwood, Cumaru, Garapa, ThermoWood, and Machiche. I had the chance to assist in decking a massive 2000sqft stage at a local event venue with Tigerwood. It is extremely beautiful and very solid. The other hardwoods I have listed have a similar elegance and installation process, but with different grains and personalities.
Composite Decking has come a long way since it’s introduction. It is a very versatile and is easy to maintain. The decks are almost always picture framed in with a square border around the perimeter to hide the grooves and unfinished edges that house the hidden fastener clips. This invites an opportunity to get creative mixing colors and style of the material to add contrast and character. It requires about twice as much framing as standard wood decks, and a higher level of precision to make everything lay perfectly flat and smooth. The primary benefit is low maintenance, and the primary cons are how hot it gets in blazing sun, and how slippery it can be when wet. Though wood decks can be very slippery as well.
Patio Block Decking is a great option if you want a flush transition out from your elevated patio door like a typical deck, but want the patio feel and low maintenance benefits. There is the added benefit of not being affected by plants, tree roots, and sloped sites like a traditional patio. Essentially, the base is framed with large joists to support 2’x2′ patio blocks that are placed on the frame and can be easily removed for access underneath. This can be a great and unique option with a ton of benefits. The major downside is that it uses more materials than a traditional patio, but is a great option when a typical slab or block patio won’t work.